The Karavay-K elevator, located in the Novoburassky district of the Saratov region. The current floor storage capacity is 30,000 tonnes. All floor storage facilities are equipped with an active ventilation system, which enables high-quality storage of grain. The company provides services for storage, drying, preparation and reception of grain. Shipment is performed by railway and automobile transport. The company has installed high-tech equipment and debugged technological processes that allows you to receive grain up to 700 tons per shift and shipment of up to 700 tons by road or 10 cars by rail.
It is accredited to store grain from the state intervention fund.
Elevator address
412560, Saratov region, Novoburasskiy district, Vikhlyayka village, 1 Elevatornaya str.
Phone: +7 (84557) 2-00-60