Currently, mustard is the fourth most popular product in our country after sunflower, oilseed flax and soy.
The oil content of seeds of different types of mustard can vary significantly. So, in blue mustard, it is from 35 to 47%, and in white mustard-from 30 to 40%. The iodine content of the oil produced from the seeds of blue mustard varies from 92 to 119.
Mustard oil has high taste qualities and is widely used in the food industry: in the canning, baking, confectionery industries, as well as in the production of soaps, textiles and pharmaceuticals.
Traditionally, mustard is grown in the most arid areas of the south of the Left Bank and Trans-Volga region of the Saratov region. In 2022, the area under mustard cultivation in this region was 13,735 hectares, and the gross yield was 7819 tons.